MAY 2007

Assemblage Dress made with materials from my travels to Rome, France, and Japan.

Fabric, Paper Images and Decorations from Rome

Fabric, Trim, and Embellishments from Communaute Emmaus de la Mayenne

Americana: Fabrics, Paper Patterns, Vintage Newspapers, Paper Dolls

Black Fabric on Black Fabric with Bodice of Straight Pins, Embellished with Rhinestones

Vintage Whites on Vintage Whites, Flea Market Lace, and Porcelain Dolls

love the first one because it's so playful and child -like and has movement


I love your work. I bought a pendant from you at Artfest 2004 - a clown, and enjoy it immensely. I definitely want to take a class from you - and am debating about Art and Soul (in Portland, OR) this year. Terry Weiss


janet, this work is dELisiOzO!


I love your stuff!


Janet these delightful dresses inspire me in so many an artist myself I appreciate your visul language.
Marlene Marshall


I am Very sorry but i tink ther ugly and that how will where that dress in the first plase and second its made of paper and 3rd i tink i will not wear that dressr in a million years if im dead


amazing i love it


amazing i love it i think its very nice
from gaya from usa mn


Basically my favourite artist. Totally inspired me for my project in art.
Making a foront of a dress (:
Thanks x


This is phenomenal! Whoever made this or designed this dress is fantastic! are these dresses for dolls or adults or just to frame; please ket me know for I am greatly intrigued! I love all of them but this one is my favorite!


janet, i am doing a project based on domesticity and your pieces are perfect for analysis! They're very personal and beautiful to look at, Well done!


I found your work in the excellent Contemporary textiles book, and now your site.Your work is inspirational in content...I am in the final year of my textile degree and use antique lace and textiles combined with artifacts & handwork.My final project has evolved from the poverty of 19th cent textile workers and feminism, so it has been a joy to discover your work.


Very inspiring- your dresses are like fairy tales


May 2009
To Russia with Love

APRIL 2008
A gallery of images from my trip to China

© Copyright 2006 Janet Cooper Designs